Saturday, May 31, 2008

Charlie meets the family

So Jenni already posted about this, but I just wanted to put the links to the pictures up for those that were interested. All of my family and all of Jenni's family were in town, so the little guy got to meet the whole lot of the Johansen and Burns family in one action packed weeked. We went minuature golfing and from what I remember, Devin won overall, and I came in next to last place (right in front of Jenni, so I guess lack of sleep isn't good for your short game), but the best part was seeing Kenny lose to Kristy (something that Kristy enjoyed thoroughly). I also saw Iron Man (which wasn't amazing, but was definitely enjoyable) and Indiana Jones (which was actually even worse than I expected).

Anyway, if you're interested you can check out the pictures on Facebook (first, second) or the Picasa Web Album.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our Little Muscle Man

We went and had some pictures of Charlie taken on Saturday and did some family pictures while we were at it (I'm sure they'll end up on Jenni's blog as soon as she gets some time). But after taking the "naked pictures", we joked that it looked like he had little muscles when I held his arms up, so I couldn't resist taking some pictures of the little guy showing off his stuff. It's also funny to see how the little guy is all belly, and he's definitely inherited my long arms and legs.

But the most exciting occurence has been that the little guy has already learned to roll over from his front to his back. I got home from work yesterday and Jenni said that she decided to give him a minute or two of tummy time to see how he'd do, and the little guy rolled over (with a small nudge from Jenni). She thought it was probably just a fluke and that her nudge made it possible. But then we gave it another try and he pulled it off, so we decided to bust out the camera and see if he could pull it off again and luckily he did. It wasn't quite as good as the first time, because he had his arm underneath him, but it was still pretty impressive. Here's the video, or you can check it out on Facebook.

We then tried to get him to do it a third time, but he just wasn't going for it. He did however pull off a push up near the end of the video. It probably doesn't sound like much, but you just have to remember that most kids his age are just working on picking their head up (or check it out on Facebook).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Charlie takes a bath

Once again there's nothing major to report, but it was bath time for Charlie today and Jenni had to take chance of the oppotunity to dress the little kid up, so here's one of the pictures that we snapped of him I guess I should just be glad that he's not being dressed up in girl clothes (like my Mom did to me when I was a little kid).

Friday, May 2, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Some people had been asking who little Charlie looked like and I just wasn't sure at first, but then I busted out my old baby album to check out what I looked like as a baby, and I think that it's pretty obvious that the little guy definitely got my nose, mouth and chin. I think that he got Jenni's eyes, ears, and forehead but we'll have to dig up her baby pictures to be sure.

I've also just included some other pictures of me as a little kid for fun. I think the craziest part is that one day we'll probably look back at all of the pictures that we're taking now and think that everything looks so goofy (or maybe the 70's/80's really were that weird).
But how about all of that hair? My aunts and uncles used to call me the sasquatch baby, but I think that we got lucky that the little guy came out early or else we might not have ended up with a bald baby.

His first day without Dad

I had been fortunate enough to be able to take most of this week off of work, but I ended up having to go in for a full day today. That meant that Charlie would have to face the dark and dreary world without his Dad for the first time. Luckily, he's got a GREAT Mom, and his Grandma was able to take the day off of work to help out as well.

The day started out with Charlie getting all cleaned up by taking a bath. It all went really well, but it wore out our little pharoah.

He then had to go and get his foot poked for a blood test. Jenni said that the nurse guy was pretty harsh with the little guy and that it upset him quite a bit. Mom helped the little guy calm down and brought him home to tend to his little foot. From the picture account, it turned into a sort of spa day for the little guy that he seemed to really enjoy.

As usually you can check out the rest of the pictures on the Picasa Web Album or on Facebook.

And here's a video we made of when we were messing with the little guy trying to get him to smile (Jenni said that he had been cracking some really big smiles during the day when I was gone, but unfortunately he wasn't up for putting on a show).

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More Charlie

Nothing too amazingly ground breaking to report, but I just wanted to add the latest batch of pictures and videos of Little Charlie. I gave the little guy a bath for my first time, and despite the fact that he wasn't a huge fan of it, everything went well and the little guy is all the cleaner for it. As usual, you can check out all of the pictures on the Picasa Web Album or on Facebook.

Like new parents that are so fascinated with every little thing, we took a couple more videos. Nothing all that special, but there's still funny nonetheless.

Charlie gets the hiccups

Charlie having a little snack

And Charlie gets the hiccups again

RSS Awareness Day

RSS Awareness Day

I know that I'm a total goon for posting something like this, but today is RSS Awareness Day and if you're not using news feeds to keep updated on blogs, then you're missing out. It allows you to spend your time on the internet actually reading content instead of just surfing around to see what's new. If you're interested in finding out more, then just check out this post or ask me a question. I always LOVE helping somebody discover something new like RSS feeds, Picasa, or some other nifty little thing.

On a semi-related note, I have the feed for this site now going through Feedburner, so you can subscribe to the posts via email, if you're not feeling brave enough to deal with an RSS Reader yet.

Also, for anyone interested here's the RSS feeds for my stuff:
This Blog
Picasa Web Album
YouTube Videos
What I'm Reading
What I'm Digging